Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another chic film I loved

I just finished watching P.S. I Love You starring Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler and boy, did it make me Cry! I never thought a movie could move me that much, I was still shedding some tears off even after the movie was over.

It was actually my older gay brother who played the movie, I was working in front of my PC classifying URLs (something I do for eSoft, a web analyst company) at the time so I was not at all interested in watching. The thing was, as I made several glimpse over the television screen, I couldn't stop myself from watching. Since the internet connection was bad at that time, I was able to watch the movie while waiting for the pages to completely load.

Now, back to the movie. The story is about a married couple, Gerry (Gerard Butler) and Holly (Hilary Swank). They were the typical married couple who disagrees on things and had arguments often but ends up together at the end of the day. Then, Gerry died of a brain tumor. Holly was so down that she did not care answering all of her family and friends' phone calls. Until her 30th birthday comes and her mom, sister and friends made a surprise visit. As they were talking, a birthday cake from Gerry, who was already dead at the time, was delivered. A tape with Gerry's recorded voice was included, and it says that he was sorry he couldn't be there in her birthday. That was not it. He told her that letters from him would be coming from time to time and that she should follow everything he dictates in the letters. So, that's what happened. Holly got letters from Gerry telling her that she should go out, go to a karaoke bar, visit Ireland, find the job that would make her happy, and fall in love again. In other words, he guided Holly to building a life again through his letters, all of which ended with P.S. I Love You.

At first, you would think that is was so cruel of Gerard Butler's character to prepare all that for Holly. It seemed like he was making it more difficult for Holly to move on with her life. But that was not the case. In a weird way, he actually lead the way for Holly, he made her find her way again. A sign that he really knew his wife well.

sighs,...and more sighs...

It was full of emotions. The story was fantastic. How I wish all men are like Gerry, (Gerard's character in the movie). Well, except for the brain tumor part, it certainly wouldn't be nice to have all men die of that disease. What I'm pointing out is the thoughtfulness, the love that just seems so eternal. Despite the fact that he was dying, he was able to make all that preparation to ensure that the one he left behind would be able to get back on her feet, ready to live and love again.

I know, it is cheesy for a first blog post, an overloaded one. Even I am surprised to find myself writing these words. I am not usually like this. I actually get goosebumps whenever someone talks seriously about "romantic love" and relationships. But I think, even if we admit it or not, that is what everybody looks for - someone to care about you, up to the very last moments.

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